



"So, how long have you been doing this?" "Well, I have been doing this as long as I can remember."

These are not all of my photographs, or even my favorite photographs... 
These are just SOME photographs, I pulled out of a pile of images I'd taken from around 1st-8th grade.
So that's what...7years old to 14. 
They aren't fantastic. They aren't properly composed, and most aren't even exposed correctly. Back then, I didn't care what my settings were...I just wanted to take pictures. So, I did. 
And I kept taking pictures. 
In high school I received my first video camera. Ohhh man, how I LOVED that video camera. It went everywhere with me. I still get a big kick outta watching those old videos, as much as I do going through my photographs, trinkets and journals.
"Wait then what's your passion?.... Photography?"
If passion is defined as "any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling"...
Then "keeping" memories is my passion. 
Nothing brings about more feelings for me. Joyous or not. 

So there ya have it. You also have a rad self portrait right there. The major blown out photo of the little girl squinting from the flash. LOL 
Ready to go see what the rest of the group is passionate about? Alright! Moving right on along to Krista's blog! I'm sure she has something worth clicking the link for! And so does everyone else! Heart this group! (and exclamation points!!!) 


  1. This is so all the old pictures. I'd say you rocked "passion"...

  2. Oh this is so nice Chay! so creative =)

  3. Your posterity will thank you for keeping all the memories alive!

  4. this is so awesome. I love it. I love that you created a collage of photos - so great!

  5. I can so relate to your passion. I have so many images from when I picked up a camera its crazy!! Good stuff Chay!!
