



Mama bird was lifeless near by. There was evidence of a struggle. Feathers and such strewn about. Mom's condition. My assumption is she was defending her nest. I'm not going to post a photo of the mother, because well, I didn't take one.  But, I did capture her small, fragile, empty egg - the contents of which, she had guarded with her life.  
Maternal instinct. Maternal love. 
Krista has something adorable to share this week I am sure! You should check it out

Chay Hastings is an on location, natural light photographer specializing in child photography, family photography, and couples photography in Jacksonville Florida.
I know that every moment, even the small ones are memories in the making. I love personal connections, and manifest that love in my work. I believe sessions should develop organically and clients should be themselves. I value amiable client relations, and strive to earn referrals. Chay Hastings Photography, because life is a photo opportunity!


  1. I'm so sad about momma bird, but you really did capture one part of being maternal. We would all fight for our babies, wouldn't we?

  2. I always feel so sad when I come across situations like this - guess it goes back to the maternal part of me. Great photo!!

  3. The image is beautiful!

  4. It is so sad to think of that mama bird fighting to protect her baby without success. Tifani said it perfectly, we would all fight for our babies too. Beautiful picture Chay.

  5. :( when you become a mother you automatically turn into a protective mama bear!
