



This week's theme is winter. Yet another challenge since everything here in Florida is only now starting to SLIGHTLY resemble the season. So, for this week, I shot up to avoid any green, and decided on this silhouette of  bare branches against a cold (looking) winter sky.  I wish I were happier with this one. Not quite feeling it. But, I shall not complain. It's been a rough week and I'm super happy it's up! Highhh fiiveee to meee. 

Ready for some more winter? Put your coats on, grab your favorite cozy drink of choice, and head over to see what the talented Sarah Jo captured this week.

Chay Hastings is an on location, natural light photographer specializing in child photography, family photography, and couples photography in Jacksonville Florida.
I know that every moment, even the small ones are memories in the making. I love personal connections, and manifest that love in my work. I believe sessions should develop organically and clients should be themselves. I value amiable client relations, and strive to earn referrals. Chay Hastings Photography, because life is a photo opportunity!


  1. It's lovely, Chay. Thank goodness it posted early because you inspired me to go out and make what I had work yesterday. :)

  2. The blue sky really gives it that cold feeling! I love how you made it work for you! I was struggling until we got our dusting of snow last weekend. Minnesota and no snow in the winter are just not heard of, until this year! Great capture!

  3. Yes, you have had a rough week - couple of weeks, actually. So, double high five to you! Great photo, in spite of it all, though!!

  4. I love this photo Chay! Great Job!

  5. Bummer you've had a rough week but way to go for getting out there and capturing a lovely winter scene!

  6. I love the look of leafless branches in winter time. They are so beautiful! Great job Chay, & I hope things are continuing to improve for your family.

  7. Beautiful shot Chay.... I can think of winter just looking at it ;-)
