


Self Portrait 

For this photo, I used a giant rabbit stuffy my son received as an Easter gift a couple years ago. It was just large enough for me to set down on my table and use it to set my focus.  I would set my camera, runnnnnn to the other side of my table, knock the poor rabbit off, then sit down and act all calm before my shutter snapped. 4 attempts and one cute little bruise later, this is what I have.
Who knew it would be more difficult to snap a photo of myself than all those kids I've chased around?
In hind site, that makes sense, but I have to say it was a lot harder than I expected. 
Don't let this expression fool you. I'm really wondering if my leg is about to fall off.

For more self portrait fun, check out Amanda Fechtner {Hot Cocoa Photography}'s blog. She's a talented Photographer in Fargo ND. That's about 1,692 miles from where I live here in Jax Florida...1 day 4 Hr drive. Woah. 

Chay Hastings is an on location, natural light photographer specializing in child photography, family photography, and couples photography in Jacksonville Florida.
I know that every moment, even the small ones are memories in the making. I love personal connections, and manifest that love in my work. I believe sessions should develop organically and clients should be themselves. I value amiable client relations, and strive to earn referrals. Chay Hastings Photography, because life is a photo opportunity!


  1. If only we had a separate place to post videos on Friday! You would be a YouTube sensation in no time, right?

    The shot is wonderful. Your skin glows, your eyes sparkle, and you give me serious hair envy. Great way to start the year!

  2. Beautiful portrait Chay! thanks so much for all you do for the group! This year is going to be great! -Jodie

  3. Gorgeous! I love this selfie:) Your eyes are amazing. and I LOVE the green shirt:)

  4. This is a great photo, can't wait to see more of your work!

  5. This photo of you is stunning. You did an amazing job with that self timer. I love the way you write too, you are too funny!

  6. Hahaha! I love your bunny story. And even better, you got an awesome picture out of it! Beautiful Chay - your eyes are so sharp!

  7. Love it!! Awesome image and colors!

  8. Oh Chay, next time I want to see the "during production" video. I would looooove to see you in action!!!! hehe

    Love this picture. The light is so beautiful. And you look so shy and peaceful.... shy (!?) Love, Cris

  9. Your commment gave me the giggles! I had read it on my phone and was thinknig you were writing a comment on our project 52 group page to another 52er ;) Thanks!! I'd have to say that you have some amazing eyes as well!! Love the lighting in this. Amazing how calm you look!

  10. Ps..I may also have to recruit you to help me with my blog!! Yours is so pretty! I love the tabs on top :)
